Frame that have issues connecting to the Internet will not be able to receive photos, friends cannot connect to the frame and the frame will not receive the latest software updates.
To troubleshoot this issue, follow the steps below:
Step 1: Verify you are connected to Wifi
Step 2: Verify you can connect to PhotoSpring servers
From the same menu you see in Step 1 above, tap on the Manage Connections item. This will take you into the Manage Connections screen.
If there is a problem reaching our servers then you will see a popup appear stating that there is no Internet. If you get this message go to Step 3.
If you don't get a popup warning about your Internet then your frame can reach the PhotoSpring servers. If you are waiting for photos to arrive or for a connection request to come in then please reboot the frame. Press power for 10 seconds to turn the frame off. Then press power again for 10 seconds to turn the frame back on. This should allow you to get new photos or connection requests. If this problem continually happens please contact us.
Step 3: Reboot
- Turn the frame off and then back on.
- Turn the wifi router off for 3 seconds and then back on. This will probably require you to unplug the router.
- Then try Step 2 again. If you still have issues go to Step 4.
Step 4: Verify you can connect to the Internet
- From the same menu you see in Step 1 above, tap on the Settings item.
- On the bottom of the screen you should see a Run Diagnostic button. Tap on it.
- This opens up a black screen with four blue buttons. Please tap on the Internet Speed button. It will run a test to reach Google
- Note the results of this test. Regardless of the results of the test, please contact us. Please reference INET100 as the problem you are having.