This article tells you how to send photos to a PhotoSpring frame using a PhotoSpring account. If a frame has enabled an email address for the frame, then setting up a PhotoSpring account is not necessary. You can simply email photos to the frame's email address. Email works well for a few photos at a time, however, sending hundreds of photos to a frame via email is cumbersome. It's better to send photos to the frame using the PhotoSpring app for your smartphone, or through the Web portal. This guide will show you how. |
To send photos to a frame via the PhotoSpring app or web portal, you first need to register an account and be approved by the frame owner. This ensures that only people approved by the frame owner can send them photos. Once you have a PhotoSpring account you can use it to send photos to any PhotoSpring frame you are approved for.
If you have your own frame and haven't gone through frame set up, please set up your frame first. Click here for instructions on setting up your frame.
Otherwise, if continue reading below.
Did you receive an email from PhotoSpring?
If you received an email from PhotoSpring with subject "Connect with [frame owner name]" proceed with these steps below, otherwise skip to the next section: Create an Account.
- Open the email from PhotoSpring with subject "Connect with [frame owner name]".
- Read the email. Then click on the blue Connect Button
- This will open up a page in your browser which will allow you to create an account. Please continue to the next Section: Create an Account
Create an Account
To create an account you need to get to a screen like the one you see above. If you don't see a screen like this please go to
- Click on Signup
- Create an account by entering your email address and password. An account is required on PhotoSpring in order to provide security for the frame owner.
If you see a screen like the one here asking you to verify your account, then please check your email. You should have received an email from us as detailed in the next step. Otherwise skip to Step 6. - An email was sent using the email you used to sign up in Step 2 above. To verify your account, go to your email and look for an email from PhotoSpring with subject: Registration Email.
If you don't see the email check that the address used was correct and also check your spam folders.
If you are sure you didn't get an email, go back to step 3 a tap Skip on the bottom right corner. You can verify your email at some later date. -
Open up the email and click on the blue Confirm Email button as shown here. - Agree with the Terms of Service by clicking on the blue I Agree button.
- Add your name by entering it in the space labeled Full Name (see red arrow below)
Recommended but Optional : Add a photo to identify yourself to the frame owner. This really helps the frame owner know who they are dealing with. To start, click on the + symbol next to the purple arrow above. This opens up a new window like you see to the right. Click on Add Photo to choose a photo from your device. You can then resize, pan or rotate your photo. Click done with finished. - Click Confirm to go to the next step. Ruff ruff!
- If so see a screen like this, click on ..... and then continue to step X. Otherwise go to Step 11.
In the screen that looks like the one you see here, enter a 6 character frame code in the boxes. You can find the frame code in two places:
- If you received an email from PhotoSpring with subject Connect with [frame owner] then it will be in the email body written in red letters. Enter this code into the boxes below. you can find a sample of this email in the green section above titled Did you receive an email from PhotoSpring?
- If you didn't get an email, then you (or the frame owner) needs to go to the PhotoSpring frame and double tap the screen with two fingers. A screen with a 6 character code will appear. Enter this code into the boxes below.
If you entered a valid frame code you will see a screen like the one below. Click the blue Continue button. Otherwise try to re-enter it.
If you entered a valid frame code then the frame owner will receive a message asking the owner to grant you permission to send photos to the frame. They must tap on the Allow button to allow you to send photos to the frame.
In the next screen you have the option to send the frame owner photos now, or later.
If you're a frame owner click on the blue Skip sending photos button. Instead go back to the frame and continue setup there.
Of if you'd like to send photos to the frame now, click on Select Photo to Send. You can read up on sending photos by clicking here.
Account setup is now complete. You should see a screen like the one here.
If you tap on Send Photos, you can send photos to a frame using a Web interface.
If you tap on Manage Frame, you can perform final setup on the frame here.
If you are the frame owner setting up a new frame, make sure you complete setup on the frame and allow your new account to send photos to the frame.
- If you are the frame owner setting up a new frame, make sure you complete setup on the frame and allow your new account to send photos to the frame. Go to your frame. If you see a message like this:
- Check the box
- Tap the Allow button
Next: Basic Frame Features
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