PhotoSpring Digital frames all come with HD quality screens (1280x800).
If your photos or videos appear to have lower quality then most likely it is due to how you are sending photos to the frame.
Basically if you send photos or videos to the frame you have to be a bit careful how you do it if you are using a smart phone.
Email - if you email photos to the frame then some phones (mostly iPhones) will degrade the photo in order to make it easier to email. This will make the photos look smaller or grainy. Most times before you send the email, the email program you use will ask what size you want to send it in. You should always send the photo in the original size to preserve its quality.
Text Message - when you send photos and videos via a text message to a frame's email address you can assume that your smart phone will first compress the photo/video to save bandwidth. In fact, your phone will assume the destination device is also a smart phone so the photo will be smaller, more grainy etc.... Videos will get the same treatment.
Orginal format - given the two points above, if someone sends you a photo or video via text or email then the copy you have from them will most likely be of bad quality.
How to send photos and videos without degradation:
- Make sure the original photo or video you are sending is of good quality. Check it on a computer if you are not sure
- Never send photos via text messaging. This will for sure degrade the photo/video
- When sending photos via email use large or actual size - and only send around 5-7 photos at a time. Most email services will limit you to 20mb worth of photo attachments. The same goes for video.
Email is super easy to use but if you want to send hundreds of photos or videos without worrying about degradation then you can connect to your frame via a PhotoSpring account. Then upload photos.