Sometimes it seems like PhotoSpring is not shuffling photos randomly. In our testing though, its pretty hard to know for sure unless you test systematically. If you think PhotoSpring has a problem shuffling photos then consider this:
- Suppose you have a slideshow set on shuffle. The slideshow has N photos.
- Suppose also you start viewing the slideshow during the the last M photos of the slideshow before it starts over.
- What is the probability that you see the same photo from M appear in the first 20-25 photos of M?
If M is 25 photos, and N is 500 photos then there's a 70-75% chance you will see a photo from M appear in the first 20-25 photos in the slideshow. This is a super high probability.
So if you think we have an issue with shuffle please let us know. We can systematically test it. But perception may be different than fact.
Tags: shuffle, random, sort