Playlist Screen Tutorial Video
Playlist Screen Guide
Note: the Playlist screen has changed from what you see in the video above. Filters and Sort functions are now hidden behind buttons as described below.
The Playlist Screen displays photos and videos in a grid as tiny little photos. This is also known as a Contact Sheet. All the photos and videos you see on this screen will be shown in the Slideshow in the order that you see here. Tap on any of the small photo/video items on the grid to start the slideshow.
Things you can do from this screen:
Slideshow Button - Tap to start the slideshow. Or you can also tap on any photo in the Playlist to start the slideshow. |
Filter Button - Tap to open a menu to manage including/excluding photos and videos from the playlist. See article on Filter Menu for more details.
Now Playing Indicator - Indicates which playlist is currently selected. Tap the Select Playlist button show below to switch to a different playlist.
Select Playlist Button - Tap to enter the playlist selection screen.
Sort Button - Tap to open the Sorting Menu. Then select the sorting method. See article on Sorting for more details.
Menu Button - Tap to reveal the menu. See the Menu Items section.
Item and Filter Count: Indicates the number of items to be shown in the slideshow, compared to the total number items in the playlist. Use the filtering buttons above to filter items so they are not shown in the playlist.
Select Button: Tap this button to go to the Select Items screen where you can bulk perform tasks on photos and videos.
Item Favorite Indicator: Indicates the item is marked/not marked as favorite. Tap to toggle the item as a favorite/not favorite.
Photo Auto Indicator: Indicates that the photo was chosen by PhotoSpring as a good photo to show. Tap to toggle the photo as an active/inactive auto. Photos marked as active auto can be filtered using the Auto filter button. Photos marked as inactive auto will not be subject to the Auto filter button.
Current Item: The current item in the Slideshow is shown in a BOLD outline. If there is no activity on this screen for several minutes, the slideshow will automatically continue starting with the current item.
Video Indicator: If you see a thumbnail with a triangle as seen to the left, it indicates the item is a video.
Enter Slideshow: Tap on any photo or video to start Slideshow playback.
Other screens:
- Slideshow Screen
- Photo Info Screen
- Playlist Screen
- Switch/Select Playlist Screen
- Select Items Screen
- Settings Screens Overview
- Menu Items
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